WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump has less of a chance of winning a court battle over disputed election results than George W. Bush had in 2000, a member of the Albany County Democratic Committee, Anton Konev, told Sputnik news agency on Thursday.
In 2000, George W. Bush won the election after a long legal battle over vote counting in the state of Florida.
Twenty years later, Trump has initiated bids to halt ballot counting in several states, accusing local officials of violating laws.
The president has also threatened to bring the legal fight to the Supreme Court.
“Trump has no basis to win… in courts. The states that he is contesting are mostly Democratic-controlled unlike the Florida case where the decision by state election officials was allowed to stand by the Supreme Court,” Konev said. “Even the Supreme court is not able to turn over the will of the voters.”
Trump has 214 electoral votes, while his Democratic rival Joseph Biden reached 264 votes and needs to add only six votes for declaring a final win, Fox News data revealed Thursday afternoon.
Ballot counting continues in the states of Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alaska and North Carolina.
“Trump is creating controversy out of nothing to try to taint the results. Unfortunately, even his own GOP poll watchers did not find any wrongdoings during this election,” Konev said, mentioning that international observers also found nothing wrong.
According to Sputnik, officials from the states of Nevada and North Carolina said the final results will not be announced until the middle of next week, while Georgia and Arizona may have results later on Thursday.
“If both Georgia and Arizona go for Biden then Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania won’t matter,” Konev said.
It said Fox News also projected Biden won in Arizona with 50.5-48.1 percent of votes after 88 percent of ballots counted.
In Georgia, Trump leads 49.5-49.3 percent after 99 percent of votes counted. However, although AP and Fox called Arizona for Biden, CNN and other networks have said it is sill too close call.