Pembaharuan LKM, CDL dikecualikan dua bulan

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KEMENTERIAN Pengangkutan Malaysia (MOT) menerima maklum balas orang ramai khususnya melibatkan pemilik kenderaan persendirian mengenai Lesen Kenderaan Motor (LKM) (tidak termasuk kenderaan perdagangan) dan Lesen Memandu Kompeten (CDL) (tidak termasuk Lesen Vokasional) mereka yang telah tamat tempoh di sepanjang pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) di seluruh negara kecuali Sarawak.

Ini disebabkan oleh perkhidmatan operasi di kaunter-kaunter Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ), Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD) dan Lembaga Pelesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) di Sabah dan Sarawak telah dihadkan seiring pelaksanaan PKP mulai 13 Januari 2021.

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Perkhidmatan kaunter yang disediakan pada ketika ini hanyalah untuk urusan berkaitan Kenderaan Perdagangan dan Lesen Vokasional (GDL dan PSV) sahaja. Dalam masa sama, orang ramai digalakkan untuk menggunakan platform atas talian yang telah disediakan oleh JPJ dan rakan kerjasama bagi tujuan memperbaharui LKM dan CDL.

Atas dasar keprihatinan kepada rintihan rakyat serta mematuhi Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) dalam usaha mengelakkan kesesakan di tempat awam, maka MOT mengambil keputusan memperkenalkan semula pengecualian bagi tujuan pembaharuan LKM dan CDL dalam tempoh PKP yang pernah dilaksanakan pada 25 Mac hingga 30 September 2020 semasa tempoh PKP1.0 sebelum ini. 

Sehubungan itu, saya telah memberikan pengecualian kepada semua pemilik kenderaan persendirian bagi tujuan memperbaharui LKM dan CDL mereka berkuatkuasa 1 Februari 2021 hingga 31 Mac 2021.

Namun, para pemandu hendaklah memastikan kenderaan mereka memiliki perlindungan insurans yang sah dan menunjukkan salinan sijil perlindungan (e-cover note insurans) mereka kepada anggota penguatkuasa trafik sekiranya diminta.

Pemegang LKM dan CDL yang telah atau bakal tamat tempoh hendaklah memperbaharui lesen masing-masing dalam masa 30 hari selepas tempoh pengecualian diberikan iaitu sehingga 30 April 2021. 

Pengecualian ini tidak diberikan kepada pemilik Kenderaan Perdagangan dan pemegang Lesen Vokasional (GDL dan PSV) kerana perkhidmatan pembaharuan yang berkaitan mereka dibenarkan di bawah Jadual Perkhidmatan Perlu(Essential Services) merujuk kepada Jadual Peraturan 3, Peraturan-Peraturan Pencegahan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-langkah Di Dalam Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan) 2021. Pembaharuan untuk perkhidmatan ini boleh dilakukan di semua kaunter atau pejabat JPJ, APAD, LPKP Sabah dan LPKP Sarawak di sepanjang tempoh PKP. Semua pusat pemeriksaan kenderaan PUSPAKOM juga adalah beroperasi bagi tujuan menyediakan perkhidmatan berkaitan pembaharuan ini.

Orang ramai dinasihatkan supaya sentiasa menjadi pemandu berhemah dan mematuhi segala SOP yang ditetapkan MKN sepanjang tempoh pelaksanaan PKP.

Menteri Pengangkutan Malaysia
29 Januari 2021

Exemption On Licensing Renewals Of Private Motor Vehicles And Competent Driving Licenses (Excluding Vocational Licenses) From 1 Feb To 31 Mar 2021

The Ministry notes the public feedback received from private vehicle owners whose Motor Vehicle Licenses (i.e. LKM, other than for commercial use) and Competent Driving Licenses (CDL) (exclusive of Vocational Licenses) will be expiring during the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented nationwide except in the state of Sarawak. 

This is due to the temporary service limits placed on the Road Transport Department (JPJ), Land Public Transport Agency (APAD), and Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (CVLB) offices/outlets in Sabah and Sarawak in compliance with the MCO implemented from 13 January 2021. 

Currently, available services are provided only to trade-related transactions for Commercial Vehicles and Vocational Licenses (GDL and PSV) renewal only. The public is also encouraged to make use of online platforms provided by JPJ and other related business partners to renew their LKM and CDL.

To alleviate public concerns regarding the expiration of their licenses and to comply with the health standard operating procedures as implemented by the National Security Council (MKN) to prevent crowding in public places, MOT will reintroduce the exemption under the Motor Vehicle (Exemptions) Rules, similar to that which was granted from 25 March to 30 September 2020 in response to the first MCO.

Therefore, I have granted exemptions to all private vehicle owners from renewing their Motor Vehicle Licenses and Competent Driving Licenses from 1st February 2021 to 31st March 2021. 

Drivers must possess a valid motor vehicle insurance and display their e-cover notes on their vehicles or present it to traffic enforcement personnel upon request. 

Holders of expired LKM and CDL licenses must renew their relevant licenses within 30 days until 30 April 2021 after the exemption period. 

The exemption does not apply to owners of commercial vehicles’ road tax and holders of Vocational Licenses (PSV/GDL) as their related renewal services are permitted under the Schedule of Essential Services (Distribution Trading) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected Local Areas) (Movement Control) Regulations 2021. Renewal for these services can be done at all JPJ, APAD, Sabah CVLB and Sarawak CVLB offices throughout the MCO period. All PUSPAKOM inspection centres are also open to cater for the relevant services.

During the MCO, we continue to advise the public to stay safe on the roads by driving responsibly and complying with all travel SOPs as announced by the MKN. 

Minister Of Transport
29 January 2021 – HARAKAHDAILY 29/1/2021

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