PRU tidak sesuai ketika COVID-19 semakin meningkat

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SEKARANG, orang bercakap mengenai COVID-19 meningkat setiap hari. Di Malaysia, misalnya, hari-hari topik ini dibangkitkan. Di seluruh dunia, cerita ini adalah hampir sama dengan tidak ada tanda-tanda bahawa ia menurun.

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Banyak negara asing seperti Amerika Syarikat, Brazil, dan India, kes positif di sana telah mencapai berjuta-juta kes. Tidak ada tanda bahawa kes itu akan pulih secara beransur-ansur dalam masa terdekat. Kematian di seluruh dunia juga mencatatkan ribuan kes setiap hari. Boleh dikatakan bahawa hampir semua negara kini ‘dijajah’ oleh COVID-19 tanpa kawalan.

Terdapat perbincangan atau khabar angin yang mengatakan bahawa kerajaan Sarawak akan membubarkan DUN dalam masa terdekat. Sekiranya ia benar-benar berlaku ketika masyarakat marah dengan peningkatan wabak COVID-19 baru-baru ini, tentu saja, ia boleh menyebabkan kehidupan masyarakat lebih menderita dan ekonomi juga boleh terjejas sekiranya Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dilaksanakan semula.

Adakah kerajaan sekarang sanggup menanggung risiko serta keselamatan dan kesihatan rakyat terjamin sekiranya wabak COVID-19 meningkat? Apabila rakyat marah dengan meningkatnya wabak COVID-19, kerajaan perlu membantu meningkatkan pendapatan rakyat terjejas oleh wabak COVID-19 dan tidak hanya mementingkan diri sendiri hanya untuk memenangi pilihan raya.

Jangan biarkan rakyat marah dan menghukum pemerintah yang tidak bertanggungjawab dengan menolak mereka dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang kerana mereka hanya bermain politik tanpa mengira nasib rakyat yang memerlukan pertolongan dan menjaga keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka.

Kami mengesa pemerintah untuk mengutamakan keselamatan dan kesihatan rakyat dengan menangguhkan semua kegiatan yang dapat mengancam keselamatan dan kesihatan rakyat dalam waktu terdekat. Tidak ada gunanya memenangi pilihan raya ketika rakyat menderita dan ekonomi negara terjejas oleh wabak COVID-19 yang semakin meningkat.

Pilihan raya boleh diadakan setelah tamat tempoh atau ketika wabak COVID-19 dapat ditangani dengan sebaik mungkin. Kerajaan juga boleh mengadakan pilihan raya secara terkawal tanpa mengadakan rapat umum dan memberi peluang kepada setiap calon untuk berkempen atau mengeluarkan manifesto parti masing-masing menggunakan media kerajaan seperti RTM dan lain-lain tanpa sekatan selagi tidak melanggar akta penyiaran.

Oleh itu, kami menyarankan kepada pemerintah untuk mempertimbangkan saranan ini demi menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan rakyat tanpa mengira bangsa, agama, dan fahaman politik. Semoga wabak COVID-19 dapat dibanteras dan rakyat Malaysia, khususnya, dapat hidup dalam keadaan aman dan dapat menjalankan aktiviti harian seperti biasa.

Pesuruhjaya PAS Sarawak

English version

General Elections are not suitable to be held as the COVID-19 epidemic escalates

Now, people are talking about COVID-19 increasing every day. In Malaysia, for example, the days of this topic are raised. Around the world, the story is almost the same as there are no signs that it is declining.

Many foreign countries like the United States, Brazil, and India, positive cases there have reached millions of cases. There is no sign that the case will recover gradually in the near future. Deaths around the world also record thousands of cases every day. It can be said that almost all countries are now ‘colonized’ by COVID-19 without control.

There are discussions or rumors that say that the Sarawak government will dissolve the DUN in the near future. If it really happened when the community was angry with the recent increase in the COVID-19 epidemic, of course, it could cause the community life to suffer more and the economy could also be affected if the Movement Control Order (MCO) is re-implemented.

Is the current government willing to bear the risk as well as the safety and health of the people guaranteed if the COVID-19 epidemic increases? When the people are angry with the rising COVID-19 epidemic, the government should help increase the income of the people affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and not just be selfish just to win the Election.

Do not let the people get angry and punish irresponsible governments by rejecting them in the next General Election because they are just playing politics regardless of the fate of the people who need help and take care of their safety and health.

We urge the government to prioritize the safety and health of the people by postponing all activities that could threaten the safety and health of the people in the near future. There is no point in winning elections when the people are suffering and the country’s economy is affected by the growing COVID-19 epidemic.

Elections can be held upon expiration or when the COVID-19 outbreak can be handled as best as possible. The government can also hold elections in a controlled manner without holding public meetings and giving each candidate the opportunity to campaign or issue their respective party manifestos using government media such as RTM and others without restrictions as long as they do not violate the broadcasting act.

We, therefore, urge the government to consider these recommendations to maintain the health and safety of the people regardless of race, religion, and political beliefs. Hopefully, the COVID-19 epidemic can be eradicated, and Malaysians, in particular, can live in peace and be able to carry out daily activities as usual.

Yours faithfully,
Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief

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